- Sabra Veronesi - Veryfine
- 8 No Go's beim Social Dancing, wenn Sie auf der Tanzfläche sind
- tangoargentino, tango, argentinetango, streettango, stagetango
The dance "Tango Argentino" is based on the body signals of leading and following. The guidance takes place with the chest instead of with the arms. From heart to heart (de corazón a corazón), it is called in Argentina. You don't dance any set choreographies or step combinations. That makes the tango infinitely variable and exciting.
Of course there is also the variant of the stage tango (Tango éscenario). This is mainly used to entertain the audience. It often shows spectacular acrobatic figures influenced by classical ballet or modern dance. Here rehearsed choreographies are necessary, if only for a group of dancers to dance synchronously.
What the hobby or professional dancers celebrate on the dance floors of the public milongas (dance events) when dancing Tango Argentino is usually pure improvisation.
You dance differently with every partner, every mood and music. The steps are elegant, the upper body is usually connected in a close embrace. The lower body and legs, on the other hand, do not touch, except for certain figures. Embracing and walking in harmony as a couple are the basis of Argentine Tango. The dancers perform a wide variety of figures, but in between they always return to simple walking.
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