- Sabra Veronesi
- 8 No Go's beim Social Dancing, wenn Sie auf der Tanzfläche sind
How to get more chances to be asked to dance as a beginner?
It is probably the biggest challenge for beginner dancers when going out or at the dance party. We often hear from beginners that they avoid the dance exit because they
a) don't dare and feel watched by others.
b) are not encouraged because many know each other in the club. Dancers generally choose their dance partners according to two criteria: their level and friendliness/openness. This applies to both ladies and gentlemen.
1) Watch your body language. Stand near the dance floor, smile and be open. This gives others the signal that you want to dance! Stay close to dancers who are at your level or higher. Or go out with a group from your dance school class. The more often, the more practice and then you will get to know each other.
2) Ask! If you want to dance, you can ask. Gentlemen can simply approach a lady, smile and hold out their hand. Ladies can also ask. Also, don't take it personally if the other person says "no"; they have their reasons. Just ask the next person.
3) Who do YOU watch more in the club? The super-good dancers or the okay dancers? Most people in the club will watch the good dancers. Be inspired by their talent. No one is going to "watch" you learn and if you are more advanced, it's nice if others learn from you, isn't it?
4) A well-known saying reads: "In dancing there are no mistakes, only variations". Dancing should be fun, you don't have to be able to do everything perfectly.
Gentlemen, when you have learned figures, please take them slowly; the person you are dancing with may not know them or may be dancing a different style. It also takes a few minutes for the energy flow between two people to find each other in the dance.